the most distant way in this world
is not the way from birth to death
it is when i sit near you
yet you do not understand and realise that i love you
the most distant way in this world
is not that when i sit near you
you do not understand and realise that i love you
you do not understand and realise that i love you
it is when my love is bewildering my soul
but i cant tell you i love you
the most distant way in this world
is not that i cant say i love you
it is when we are both in love in each other
but yet we are keeping the distance
the most distant way in this world
is not the distance between us
it is when we are breaking thru' the way
we deny the existence of love
so the most distant way in this world
is not in two distant trees
it is when the same rooted branches
but yet they cant enjoy the co-existence
so the most distant way in this world
is not being the separated branches
it is i the blinking stars
but yet they cannot burn the light
so the most distant way in this world
is not the burning stars
it is after the light
but yet they cannot be seen from afar
so the most distant way in this world
is not the light that is fading away
it is the coincidence of us
but yet not supposed for the love
so the most distant way in this world
is the love between the fish and the bird.
one is flying at the sky
the other looking upon into the sea

suddenly emo sia
i dunno
life's so stressed up
and pple are behaving strangely.
do not judge whether i like one by my attitude
coz i often act the opposite way
a tendency to protect myself
ofthen hurting pple unknowingly in the process
forgive me if i have done so
it was not meant to be
while you were in sight,
i pretend that i cant see you
but when you are gone,
i try to serach for ur back view among the pple.
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